
What Is The Function Of A Chromosome In An Animal Cell

Chromosome Definition

A chromosome is a cord of Dna wrapped around associated proteins that requite the connected nucleic acid bases a construction. During interphase of the prison cell wheel, the chromosome exists in a loose structure, and so proteins can be translated from the DNA and the Deoxyribonucleic acid can be replicated. During mitosis and meiosis, the chromosome becomes condensed, to be organized and separated. The substance consisting of all the chromosomes in a cell and all their associated proteins is known every bit chromatin. In prokaryotes, there is commonly only a unmarried chromosome, which exists in a ring-like or linear shape. The chromatin of nigh eukaryotic organisms consists of multiple chromosomes, equally described later on in the article. Each chromosome carries office of the genetic code necessary to produce an organism.

Having the entire genetic code divided into different chromosomes allows the possibility of variation through the different combinations of chromosomes with the dissimilar alleles, or genetic variations that they incorporate. The recombination and mutation of chromosomes can occur during mitosis, meiosis, or during interphase. The end result is organisms that office and comport in dissimilar ways. This variation allows populations to evolve over time, in response to changing environments.

Part of a Chromosome

The chromosome holds non only the genetic code, but many of the proteins responsible for helping express it. Its complex form and structure dictate how ofttimes genes can be translated into proteins, and which genes are translated. This process is known as gene expression and is responsible for creating organisms. Depending on how densely packed the chromosome is at certain point determines how often a cistron gets expressed. As seen in the image of chromosome structure shown below, less agile genes will be more tightly packed than genes undergoing agile transcription. Cellular molecules that regulate genes and transcription often work past activing or deactivating these proteins, which can contract or aggrandize the chromosome. During cell partitioning, all the proteins are activated and the chromatin becomes densely packed into singled-out chromosomes. These dense molecules have a better risk of withstanding the pulling forces that occur when chromosomes are separated into new cells.

Chromosome Construction

Chromatin Structures

Every bit seen in the graphic above, chromosomes accept a very circuitous structure. DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acrid makes the base of the structure, every bit seen on the far left. Deoxyribonucleic acid is made of a two strings of nucleic acid base pairs. The base of operations pairs in Dna are cytosine, adenine, thymine, and guanine. The spiral construction formed past the two strings of Deoxyribonucleic acid is due to complimentary pairing between every base of operations with its pair on the reverse string. Adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. The contrary side of the bases class a phosphate-deoxyribose backbone, which keeps the strands intact.

DNA chemical structure
Deoxyribonucleic acid chemical structure

When the DNA is duplicated, the strands are separated, and a polymerase molecule builds a new string that corresponds to each side. In this way, the Deoxyribonucleic acid is perfectly replicated. This tin be washed artificially past a polymerase chain reaction in which special enzymes and rut are used to separate and replicated the strings a number of times, to produce many copies of the same DNA. This makes it much easier to study any string of Deoxyribonucleic acid, even whole chromosomes or genomes.

Afterwards the cell has expressed and duplicated the Deoxyribonucleic acid, cell division can occur. This occurs in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes, merely only eukaryotes condense their Dna then it tin be separated. Prokaryotic DNA is and so simple that relatively few structural proteins are associated with the chromosome. In eukaryotes, many structural proteins are used.

The commencement of these proteins are core histones. Many individual histone proteins bind together to form a core histone. The DNA can wrap around ane of these histones, giving it a wound structure. This construction, and the associated histone, is known as the nucleosome. As seen in the third picture from the left, these nucleosomes form "beads-on-a-string". The string becomes wound back and forth by another histone, histone H1, and somewhen fibers are produced. The next type of protein, scaffold proteins, first to wind the cobweb into a loose structure. When the chromosome must condense during cell division, more scaffold proteins are activated, and the structure becomes much denser. In fact, fifty-fifty with a microscope, individual chromosomes cannot be discerned until near the middle of cell division cycles, when the chromosome becomes very dumbo. This procedure is seen equally the pictures progress towards the right.

Examples of Chromosome

Prokaryote Replication

When a single bacteria prison cell has reached a large enough size, it can reproduce asexually. Although there are no membranes that carve up individual organelles in leaner, the cell will duplicate its DNA and and special chemicals it needs to survive. The DNA exists in a unmarried chromosome, sometimes chosen a genophore, which is replicated past the individual strands being separated and polymerase edifice new, corresponding strands. The two chromosomes are separated into individual cells, and the cells comport on their functions by creating proteins from the DNA and interacting with the environs.

Eukaryote Replication

A much more complicated view of chromosomes is present in eukaryotes. In eukaryotes, the DNA is replicated at the end of interphase, the function of the cell cycle in which the jail cell grows and functions. Much like in the prokaryotes, the DNA strands are separated and new strands are created by enzymes. However, in eukaryotes, in that location are multiple chromosomes. The new chromosomes remain connected at the centromere, a structure that allows microtubules to connect and holds chromosomes together. These are now known as sis chromatids because they are identical copies. These chromatids can undergo some variation during meiotic cell division, when recombination can occur.

When they separate during cell division, they are known as sister chromosomes. The sister chromosomes are separated into dissimilar gametes, or sperm and egg cells. When a sperm and egg unite, the zygote receives one sister chromosome from each parent, but considering they are not identical copies of each other they are known as homologous chromosomes. In human, there are 23 homologous pairs, so humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell. When the Dna is replicated, they have 92 sister chromatids, but they are still connected then at that place are still simply 46 chromosomes. Human gametes just have 23 chromosomes, and no homologous pairs.

  • Chromatin – Dna and its associated proteins, of which chromosomes are a function.
  • Sister Chromatid – The still connected copies of a chromosome, which volition be separated into individual chromosomes during anaphase of mitosis or anaphase II of meiosis.
  • Homologous Chromosomes – Pairs of chromosomes from separate parents that contain the same genetic information, which are separated in anaphase I of meiosis.
  • Sister Chromosome – One of the ii new chromosomes created during DNA replication, which are at present separated from each other and will before long be in different cells.


one. A species has 6 homologous chromosome pairs in somatic, non-gamete cells. How many chromosomes are nowadays in the gamete cells? How many homologous pairs?
A. 6 chromosomes, 6 homologous pairs
B. 12 chromosomes, three homologous pairs
C. half-dozen chromosomes, no homologous pairs

Answer to Question #1

C is right. In a gamete, the homologous pairs have been separated, which allows the newly formed zygote to have the right amount of chromosomes, each of which will have a homologous pair. Therefore, the homologous pairs are separated in meiosis I, and the sis chromosomes are separated in meiosis II, giving each gamete the perfect amount of DNA to create half a zygote.

ii. The Deoxyribonucleic acid has been replicated in a cell containing 4 chromosomes. The jail cell is going through mitosis, and sister chromatids are being separated in anaphase. Earlier the cell divides, chromosomes will exist in the same jail cell. How many chromosomes will exist in the cell betwixt anaphase of mitosis and cytokinesis, or cell division?
A. 4 chromosomes
B. 8 chromosomes
C. 2 chromosomes

Reply to Question #two

B is correct. Each chromosome, before anaphase consists of two sister chromosomes, leap together by proteins. During anaphase, these proteins are deactivated, and the two chromatids release each other. One time separated, they are known as sister chromosomes. Before the prison cell divides, it is really 1 big jail cell, containing eight chromosomes.

3. A student is watching cell replicate under a microscope, and recording the number of chromosomes present during different phases of the cell wheel. The organism normally has two homologous pairs, or 4 chromosomes in adults. The student is supposed to record a single cell before anaphase, after anaphase, after cytokinesis and during interphase. The educatee post the follow for their first 8 results:
four 8 4 0
4 viii iv 0
What is the educatee doing wrong?

A. Cytokinesis should have twice as many chromosomes.
B. Earlier anaphase should have 8 chromosomes.
C. Interphase should have 4 chromosomes.

Answer to Question #3

C is correct. Although the student cannot see the individual chromosomes during interphase, the chromosomes still be. They just exist in a much less dense form, which makes them impossible to see, even if they are stained. The pupil has written 0, because information technology appears that the chromosomes have disappeared, but in reality at that place are still 4 chromosomes. At the end of interphase, they will have duplicated, but there will still be only 4 chromosomes. Each chromosome will consist of two sister chromatids.


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