
What Plants And Animals Are Harmed By The Production Of Palm Oil?


Accept you ever used or eaten palm oil? You lot might not think so, but odds are, you have. Palm oil is an ingredient in around one-half of supermarket products. It is used in ice cream, to assistance it melt nicely on your natural language, in the soap that you lot use to make clean your dishes, and in well-nigh cakes, biscuits, and chocolate. Sounds useful, then what is the problem? Palm oil product is believed to account for up to half of the deforestation in tropical rainforests, leading to loss of biodiversity and many other negative impacts. Furthermore, palm oil production requires fertilizers and pesticides, which tin run off into waterways and touch on downstream biodiversity. Nevertheless, nigh scientists hold that if we boycott palm oil and employ other vegetable oils, the environmental impacts may be fifty-fifty worse. This commodity will discuss the pros and cons of palm oil production and how scientists, industries, and environmental organizations are trying to make palm oil more than environmentally friendly.

What Is Palm Oil and Where Does It Come up From?

Palm oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the fruits of the oil palm plant, Elaeis guineensis (Effigy i). Oil palm is grown in the tropics , including Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand, and accounts for almost 40% of all vegetable oils produced around the earth. Oil palm fruits are structured similar plums. There is a hard, central nut (also known equally a kernel) surrounded by a soft, fleshy layer chosen the mesocarp . The fruits are heated and crushed to obtain two types of useful oil: palm oil from the mesocarp and palm kernel oil from the kernel.

Figure 1 - An oil palm growing in a plantation.

  • Figure 1 - An oil palm growing in a plantation.
  • Well-nigh the base of the body, you can see a fruit agglomeration that contains thousands of individual palm fruits, from which palm oil is extracted.

The chemic brand-up of the two palm oils differs from other vegetable oils like olive oil and sunflower oil. In temperate countries, palm oils are solid at room temperature (Effigy 2), making palm oil an ideal ingredient in pastries, cakes, biscuits, and ice foam. Palm kernel oil is mainly used every bit the active ingredient in cleaning products like soaps and detergents, as well as in cosmetics.

Figure 2 - (A) Palm fruit structure.

  • Effigy ii - (A) Palm fruit structure.
  • The mesocarp is the part that palm oil is extracted from and the endosperm is the part that palm kernel oil is extracted from. (B) Palm oil at room temperature in the Uk. It is orange due to its high vitamin content. (C) Palm kernel oil at room temperature in the UK. Information technology has a lower vitamin content than palm oil, hence its yellowish color.

What Is So Bad About Palm Oil?

Unfortunately, similar many other large crops, growing a lot of oil palms causes some bug! Historically, oil palm was often grown in areas with lots of different species. Malaysian rainforests accept more than 2,000 species of trees, Asian and pygmy elephants, and Malayan tapirs. Indonesian rainforests incorporate endangered animals like Sumatran tigers and rhinos. Large areas of rainforests have been converted into oil palm plantations. Planting of oil palms accounts for 0.5% of deforestation globally. In areas where oil palm is grown, these crops can be responsible for upwardly to fifty% of the deforestation [1].

Laws have been set to limit the amount of forested areas that can exist removed. For case, Malaysia has laws, such as the "Protection of Wild fauna Act 1972" and the "Country Conservation Act 1960" to protect species and reduce impacts on the environment. As well, growers who are members of an organization called the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) or Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) are not immune to clear forests or areas that contain high amounts of biodiversity or fragile ecosystems.

In some cases, illegal logging (chopping down trees) and a method of clearing land called slash-and-burn withal take place. Slash-and-burn is the process where forests are logged and then assail burn down. Clearing state with burn costs effectually Us $five per hectare (1 hectare = ii football pitches). Clearing land legally, using machines and chemicals, costs effectually United states of america $200 per hectare. As you can imagine, slash-and-burn clearing is really bad for both the surround and the local people, considering information technology results in huge emissions of toxic ash and smoke. When big forest areas are removed by slash-and-fire, something called haze happens. Haze is when the smoke fills the sky and blocks out sunlight. Brume tin terminal for weeks and affect human being health.

The well-nigh well-known consequence of the oil palm industry is its effects on orangutan populations. Orangutans often lose their homes during land clearance and are sometimes killed by farmers who see them as pests. Some reports say that 25 orangutans are killed every day due to palm oil product. Only, in reality, over half of all orangutan deaths are caused by local people who hunt orangutans for nutrient [ii].

Can Nosotros Just Use Unlike Oils Instead of Palm?

So, if growing oil palms causes such big problems, why cannot nosotros just use other vegetable oils instead? The primary issue here is that oil palm is a very efficient ingather compared to alternatives like sunflower and olive. Nearly ten times more land would be needed if oil palm were replaced with olive, soy, rapeseed (as well known every bit canola), or corn crops [3]. Also, production of other vegetable oils would still touch on biodiversity because those crops would demand country to exist cleared, too.

Other oil crops are also more expensive to grow than palm. Olive oil production costs upwardly to six times more than than palm oil. If nosotros were to try to put olive oil in food products like pastries or biscuits, the prices of those foods would also increase! The chemical make-up of olive oil is also very different from palm oil. Olive oil is full of chemicals that requite it a potent gustation, smell, and colour. Companies who utilize palm oil choose information technology considering it can be candy to remove its color, gustatory modality, and odor. This means palm oil cannot be tasted in the final food product, but it still provides the fatty needed equally an ingredient in many foods. Olive oil also goes bad a lot faster than palm oil. This can make the food it is added to sense of taste terrible!

Oil palm product does non need much energy input. Oil palm crops need less fertilizers and pesticides than other vegetable oil crops. This means fewer dangerous chemicals leak out into the environs. Oil palm crops likewise have a very long lifespan. A farmer can profit from selling the fruits for over 25 years. Oil palm fruits can be harvested regularly twelvemonth-circular. Therefore, these plantations employ people permanently and not only seasonally every bit they are with other vegetable oil crops. This improves the lives of palm oil farm employees.

Are There Ways to Make Palm Oil More than Environmentally Friendly?

Upwardly to 85% of natural woods species are lost when rainforests are converted to oil palm plantations [4]. Scientists are trying to notice new means to meliorate palm oil production so that it has less touch on on the environs. Growers are also taking activity to improve their practices. For example, they are post-obit strict rules to reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides and selecting amend seeds to produce more oil from the aforementioned expanse of land.

Wildlife corridors can also assist to brand oil palm farming more than environmentally friendly. These corridors are areas of conserved country or forests within or between plantations. Wild animals corridors help to support biodiversity and allow animals to move around. For case, Borneo elephants normally travel through oil palm plantations and eat the trunks of former oil palms—up to 150 kg per day! This causes the growers to dislike the elephants. So, the growers teamed up with WWF-Malaysia to make a wildlife corridor of 1,067 hectares, linking ii forests. They hope this will provide a route for the elephants to travel through the plantations, with different types of food so the oil palms will be saved [5]. Wildlife corridors are not just important for large mammals. Corridors along rivers within oil palm plantations are very important for invertebrates, such every bit moths and dung beetles [half dozen]. Ofttimes, the animals volition spend most of their time in the corridors rather than in the oil palm plantations. Wild animals corridors would not end all the negative impacts that farming has on local animals, but they volition help animals movement around better and provide different food sources, reducing conflict.

Other scientists constitute that some areas of wild woods should be kept within plantation areas. These areas of woods should be connected to each other past habitat corridors to maintain biodiversity. The skilful news is that this recommendation is at present being used by big international companies like Unilever and organizations like RSPO.

Growing oil palm on unused subcontract state could also assistance to reduce deforestation [7]. Scientists have shown that turning unused subcontract land into oil palm plantations reduces carbon emissions by 99.7%, compared to clearing rainforests for these farms. The corporeality of biodiversity on unused farm land is also much lower than that of rainforests, so biodiversity levels may actually increase if oil palms are planted on this unused land [eight].

The RSPO is trying to ameliorate the palm oil industry past helping oil palm plantations and biodiversity to co-be. To become members of RSPO, palm oil production companies must follow 7 rules:

  1. Behave ethically and transparently

  2. Operate legally

  3. Optimize productivity, efficiency, and positive impacts

  4. Respect community and human rights, and provide benefits to communities (such as playgrounds, childcare, and schools)

  5. Support smallholder plantations (plantations usually owned by a unmarried family)

  6. Respect workers' rights and provide a good work surround

  7. Protect, conserve, and ameliorate ecosystems and the environment.

If they stick to these rules, companies can apply the RSPO logo (Figure 3), which proves that their palm oil has been produced sustainably. Other sustainable palm oil organizations operate similarly, including MSPO and Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO). They too have their ain recognizable logos, which are used on products around the earth (Figure iii).

Figure 3 - In the center, you can see the RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil logo.

  • Figure 3 - In the center, you can see the RSPO-certified sustainable palm oil logo.
  • This is the logo you will come across on products if the palm oil in them is sustainable. Other similar organizations, like ISPO and MSPO, also have their ain logos, which yous can see on either side of the RSPO logo.

So, Can Palm Oil Be Produced Without Affecting Biodiversity?

In curt, the answer is no. Product of palm oil volition go on to touch biodiversity in the tropics. Scientists are working very difficult to find new ways of reducing the environmental bear on of this crop. However, it is unlikely that palm oil (or any other agronomical product) can be produced without impacting biodiversity in some manner. However, scientists concur that we have the power to improve palm oil production and make it more sustainable. This volition hopefully minimize the impacts of palm oil production on biodiversity.

How Can You Help?

If you want to help brand certain palm oil is beingness produced sustainably, there are several things you could consider. You can become a wildlife hero simply past eating locally produced and wholesome (not-candy) foods. Not only is this healthier for you, but information technology is also healthier for the environment, because local products do not need to travel effectually the world before reaching your plate or lunchbox!

Also, if you notice out that your favorite chocolate bar does not contain sustainable palm oil, then write a letter of the alphabet or an electronic mail to the visitor and explain to them how disappointed yous are and what they could do to help. You could download Act for Wildlife's Sustainable Palm Oil shopping listing ( can-practice/our-campaigns/sustainable-palm-oil/sustainable-palm-oil-shopping-list/) to find replacement foods. Maybe you even feel passionate enough to starting time a conversation with your friends, to observe strategies to boycott products using non-sustainable palm oil. For case, y'all tin can ask your local supermarket to replace products using not-sustainable palm oil with other more environmentally friendly options. You and your friends can fifty-fifty help stores by making a list of those products. Last, you could help past learning fifty-fifty more about which companies are using sustainable palm oil or which products contain sustainable palm oil. Here are some resource:

  • Visit (Global)

  • Visit (Brazil)

  • Download the Giki app (Global)

  • Download the Sustainable Palm Oil Shopping Guide (U.s.a.)

  • Read (Global)

  • Download the Palm Oil Scanner app (Global)

Never forget that lilliputian deportment lead to big changes! The sustainable palm oil motility is global, and Yous can be a function of information technology!


Tropics: The region of the World surrounding the equator, includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Republic of colombia, Ecuador, Thailand, etc.

Mesocarp: The soft eye function of a fruit, between the outer skin and seed or kernel.

Deforestation: The activity of clearing a big area of trees.

Sustainable: The quality of not being harmful to the environs, natural resources, or communities.

Biodiversity: The diversity of plant and animal life in the world or in a item habitat, a high level of which is commonly considered to be important and desirable.

Slash-and-burn: The process of chopping downward copse and plants and setting the country on fire to clear it for farming.

Wildlife Corridor: A strip of natural habitat connecting populations of wild animals otherwise separated past cultivated land, roads, etc.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or fiscal relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


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